Mono Lake

From the name, you can guess that this lake is an isolated body of water, although surrounded by mountain ranges. However, there’s a good reason why this lake in California is an island of its kind. It contains high levels of alkaline. Interestingly, its pH level is measured to be as high as 10, which is higher than an ocean’s pH level of an average of 8.1.  Mono Lake has a higher salinity than the ocean. This might make you wonder why the lake is so salty. The reason for its high salt concentration is because the lake has no exit outlet. Moreover, the water evaporates, leaving the salt highly concentrated in the lake.  But those are not the strangest things about the lake.  The Mono lake cannot host any fish species in it as it is not conducive for fish. Only the brine shrimp and the alkali flies can survive in it. And more importantly, it is not safe to swim in. Besides, it has toxic arsenic concentrates. No doubt, this lake is strange indeed.

Lake Huron

Lake Huron has gained a reputation as the second-largest Great Lake in the United States. It’s, in fact, the fifth largest of its kind in the world. It has a surface area of 23,000 square miles and is about 750 feet deep. But did you know that beneath this large body of water is the world’s largest underground salt mine? Goderich salt mine is situated 1,800 feet beneath the lake. It began operations in 1959 and produces tons of salt annually.   But wait, there’s more mystery attached to this lake. Under the lake are sinkholes that contain their special ecosystems. Although the lake itself is a freshwater lake, 60 feet below the surface is a high concentration of sulfur with low oxygen levels. The lake’s conditions are unique and of unusual nature compared to other lakes.

Lake Michigan

Not everyone may expect Lake Michigan to fall on the list of strangest lakes in the United States. Indeed, Lake Michigan is one of the Great Lakes in the United States. The lake has a shoreline that measures about 1,600 miles and contains about 1,180 cubic miles of water. It also connects to Lake Huron. It ranks beneath Huron and Lake Superior as the third largest lake in the United States. The borders of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin share parts of the water with Michigan.  As highly reputable as the lake is, it has strange occurrences attached to it. There is a strange undercurrent in the lake that’s almost like that of the Bermuda Triangle, claiming the lives of innocents. In 2020 alone, about 53 deaths were recorded. Because of this, swimming is often discouraged in many parts of the water. Besides, of all the Great Lakes, only the waters of Michigan are wholly situated in the U.S.

Crater Lake

Approximately 7,700 years ago, Crater Lake was formed by a cataclysmic volcanic eruption.Mount Mazama, a 12,000-foot-tall mountain, erupted and collapsed, forming the lake. Legendhas it that the fall of Mount Mazama was a result of the battle between the sky spirit andmountain spirit. And the eruption indicated the end of the battle. Crater Lake in Oregon is the deepest lake in the United States and the ninth deepest inthe world. A strange feature of this lake is its clear and clean water, even with a depth of 1,943feet. The lake has no outlet or inlet. Its only source of water is snow or rain. Therefore,Crater Lake maintains its clarity in the absence of sediments or mineral deposits from streamsand other water bodies. Another strange thing about Crater Lake is its ever-changing water level despite not havingan outlet.Furthermore, it is essential to note that while Crater Lake has clear waters and beautifulscenery, the water is awfully cold. Therefore, it is best to swim only in specific areas.

Lake Erie

Lake Erie is also one of the Great Lakes in the United States. It has seen worse days of the battle between the British and the United States, where the latter fought to retain control of the lake. The shorelines are as far as 871 miles, and the surface area is below 10,000 square miles.  However, there’s a myth of a monster called Bessie residing in the lake. The description of this monster matches that of a harmless fish that’s about 30 feet long. In fact, latter days of the 19th century, a local businessman was convinced that this beast existed in the waters. He, in fact, offered a reward to anyone willing to kill the beast. Yet, while many are wary of this tale, no clear evidence has been brought up to verify its authenticity.