Using data gathered from kennel clubs around the world and recent trends, we can estimate which breeds are going to be the most popular. Learn which dogs made the cut for this year!

Choosing the right dog for you is a big step, but you have to consider the dog’s size, activity level, and lifespan. We’re going to explore each of those facets for the 20 popular dog breeds that we’re listing here. That way, you can figure out which of these breeds is one you should adopt and welcome into your family as a pet.

These are the most popular dog breeds around the world according to registrations in over 25 countries! Take a look at these gorgeous animals and see which one is the perfect pet for you and your family.

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are very popular animals because they tend to be large and loving. They make good protectors and companions, and they are intelligent enough to be effectively trained in many ways. They need a fair amount of space and lots of exercise.

2. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are amazing guard dogs but also very energetic and loving dogs. They are rather large animals that need lots of time to play, and they can become territorial. These animals need good training and attentive owners to be successful. Once they’re trained, German Shepherds are some of the best animals you could ever own.

3. French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a small, lovable dog that loves to communicate with its owner. They are affectionate and loving dogs, but they can be quite needy. These dogs love to bond with people and they’re generally quieter and less excitable than others.  

4. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are iconic pets that need good training. Although they can be good with other dogs and children, they have some bad habits they need to be trained out of, like food aggression. Otherwise, they’re loving, loyal, playful dogs that are often dopey.

5. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are yappy and can be aggressive even though they are not likely to hurt people. They do like to play, but they don’t need a ton of exercise or space. They do well with other dogs of their breed and they are naturally curious!

6. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are great dogs that don’t need a lot of exercise and are easily socialized to be around other dogs. The fact that these dogs don’t shed much makes them a boon to people who want a pet but also have allergies. You do need to spend some time training them, though.

7. Dachshund

Dachshunds were originally hunting dogs, and they’re known for their unique shape. Lovingly called “hot dog” dogs, these pets are perfect for apartment dwellers that don’t have a lot of space but have love to give. These dogs are very kid-friendly, but they do need some play time and exercise! Just remember that they can be a challenging breed to train.

8. Beagle

Beagles are incredibly popular dogs because they are very friendly and persistent. They can be a little mischievous, but they are also highly adaptable to various living situations. You’ll love that this dog is so easy to groom and how well they get along with kids and other dogs. You need to keep them trained to prevent damage to your home, but they’re great once they get the hang of how you need them to behave.

9. Boxer

Boxers are large, loveable, and somewhat dopey dogs for their owners. However, they can be a little overprotective of their homes. These dogs are highly energetic and need exercise and a lot of space to contain their bulkiness. These dogs are very easy to groom and very smart. Don’t let them fool you with their goofy looks; they’re smart enough to be trained but also stubborn! They’re certainly one of the most unique popular dog breeds.

10. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a small dog that somewhat resembles a Jack Russel Terrier with its facial features, but they’re unique dogs. They’re perfect for homes that have multiple dogs and kids. They’re not particularly aggressive animals, but they’re also not afraid to bark at people that they do not trust. However, it’s not hard to win over these dogs with love and affection.

11. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu dog has an odd name, but it’s an interesting dog. They are small animals that are perfect in homes that don’t have a lot of space, and they tend to get attached to a single person even in large families. They do get separation anxiety and they do not like changes in their routine. Also, they need frequent grooming, too. While needy, they are a loyal, fun dog breed.  

12. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a beautiful, medium-sized dog that loves to go on adventures with its owners. These animals need a lot of exercise, and they can chew up your home if they are left to their own devices without training. You have to train these dogs young or you could end up needing to crate your dog while you’re at work!

13. Poodle

Poodles are fancy, interesting, and intelligent animals. A lot of people that want a dog have to hold off because of allergies, but these dogs are hypoallergenic and barely shed, if at all. These dogs thrive with good training, but they need to be trained young. They do have a predilection towards health problems, and they need frequent grooming. However, these are great animals.

14. German Spitz

The German Spitz is a popular breed for a lot of reasons. They’re very loyal and loving dogs that care deeply about their owners. That makes them great watchdogs since they’re not afraid to bark at people that get too close to their homes. These dogs are also highly valued for their soft fur that makes them a pleasure to cuddle with, so it’s no wonder they’re among the most popular dog breeds.

15. Pug

Pugs are charming little dogs that strike some people as cute and others as less so. If you’re in the former camp, then you’ll love these little critters. Pugs are rather self-sufficient and they can make friends with just about anyone or anything, including other dogs. They’re great for homes with kids or houses that lack a lot of space. They are prone to health problems, but they’re worth the effort!

16. Rottweiler

Rottweilers can be two different kinds of dogs at the same time. They’re loyal, cuddly, and sweet dogs that are too big to be lap dogs but refuse to recognize that fact. Otherwise, they’re protective guard dogs that will alert you to any strangers in the vicinity and keep your home safe. These dogs do have the potential to get lazy if you let them, but they love exercise just as much as the most active people!

17. Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies resemble their wolf ancestors, and that has drawn people to them. These are highly active dogs that need the company of humans to keep them in check. They also benefit from the presence of other dogs, too. Although they look fierce, Siberian Huskies make poor guard dogs because they love other people and the treats that they bring with them! They are stubborn dogs, and they have the habit of shedding a great deal, so be prepared to visit your groomer often!

18. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is best described as a charming dog. They’re sweet and they know how to tug on their owners’ heartstrings. They are incredibly intelligent dogs that are capable of training and tricks alike, but that also means they can get into some trouble in your home. Corgis can be stubborn and they get bad separation anxiety, but they can be amazing pets.

19. English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog that is very easy to train and constantly wants to get approval from its owners. They are renowned for being great with kids and other pets, and they’re very playful. They do need more grooming than average, and they can be a bit noisy, though.

20. Maltese

The Maltese are another hypoallergenic dog that does well in small houses. These are very small dogs that are beautiful and healthy. The only drawback to them is that they need a lot of grooming! With training, they can be loving companions, but they might not be great for kids. They’re very fragile animals, so they’re safer around older children and adults.

Our list of the most popular dog breeds for this year reflects very few changes over the previous years. Many of these dogs are mainstays because of how much they’re loved by people all over the world. Small, medium, or large, these dogs tend to exhibit the best elements of all animals: loyalty, companionship, and intelligence! Now that you know which dogs are most popular and why, you can start picking out the pooch that would be best for you!