At the North Texas nursery, fruit trees are among the most popular choices, largely because they provide the best of both worlds: aesthetic appeal in the shape of lovely, lush greens and a plentiful harvest of delectable fruit. Below, we’ve curated a list of the best and easiest fruits to grow amidst Texas’ climate and three helpful tips on growing them.

The 12 Best Fruit Trees to Grow Texas

1. Apples

Due to their widespread availability, apples and pears are quite popular in Texas. Apples are often picked from July through November in Texas and are staples in many other areas in the United States. As long as they receive enough sunlight and water, apple trees can thrive in the northern and central regions of Texas. Make sure you have enough space because several varieties of apple trees can grow to be 25 feet tall. Apple trees of the Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, and Golden Delicious varieties are popular and frequently seen in Texas.  

2. Pears

In Texas, pears do marginally better than apples but are still a delectable substitute. Pear trees develop into drought-resistant trees that provide an abundance of fruit each fall if you plant them in areas with good sunlight and give them regular watering. Unfortunately, because they need a winter chill to grow correctly, they do not thrive in the southern regions of Texas. Texas is home to the pear cultivars Beth, Warren, and Ayres. Consider your particular preferences while selecting a variety of pears because flavor varies from variety to variety. 

3. Persimmons

Because they thrive in even the most challenging environments, persimmons are among the most straightforward fruit trees to grow. The persimmon, indigenous to the south and southeast, is widely grown throughout Texas. They are excellent for folks new to fruit trees because they are quite simple to grow. They are a great topic of conversation because of their bright orange hue and rarity. Persimmons have a distinctive flavor and texture despite having a similar appearance to tomatoes, and having their flavor occasionally compared to mangoes.

4. Pecans

Pecan trees are immensely popular in Texas despite not being considered fruit trees. In actuality, Texas’ state tree is the pecan tree. They can also be grown elsewhere in the state, although central and southern Texas is where they thrive. Pecans grow in cycles, which makes them peculiar. A significant harvest will occur one year, followed by a small or no output the subsequent year.

5. Peaches

There are lots of peaches grown in Texas. In actuality, the state has roughly a million peach trees planted. Between June and September, peaches are picked. They perform best in the state’s cooler regions since they need to overwinter there to produce in the spring. Peaches can be grown as far east as El Paso, north as the Panhandle, and south as the Rio Grande Valley. Some kinds, such as Florida Prince and Gulfking, have been bred to flourish in the state’s warmer regions. They thrive because they can withstand heat and cold to some extent. For them to stay not too moist, you must maintain a decent drainage system.

6. Plums

Plums come from the same family as peaches, but they stand out thanks to their attractive purple hue. Bare trees thrive in central or southern Texas, where they bloom in the late fall and early winter. Since it thrives in a wider range of hardiness zones, Santa Rosa plum tree is a popular cultivar for growing in Texas. From late summer through mid-autumn, they produce fruit.

7. Avocado

Many people love avocado trees. Another tropical tree that needs protection from the cold is this one. Your best option is a 40-gallon indoor Little Cado if you live in Texas’ cooler regions and are prepared for the challenge. Due to the ideal growing conditions for avocados in southern Texas, growers there have the greatest alternatives.

8. Cherries

Cherries are a fantastic little fruit alternative for Texas. It will take some work to spread to other parts of Texas because they prefer the panhandle’s milder climate. Cherry trees can also yield lovely blossoms, depending on your choice. Consult your neighbors or the local master gardeners to choose a cherry tree that will grow well in your location. The greatest cherry variety to grow in Texas is black cherry. According to the USDA Native Plants Database, Texas is home to four black cherry species and one chokecherry species. The database can detail which kinds thrive in your local county.

9. Grapes

You usually think of California when you think of grapes. But the majority of Texas has a good growing climate for grapes. French-American hybrids, Vitis vinifera, American varietals, Muscadines, rootstocks, and native species are the six main categories of grapes farmed in Texas. In general, it is recommended to choose grape varieties that are simple to grow in a home garden. They might not produce as much, but they can survive better. Vitis vinifera makes up 99 percent of the Texas wine industry.

10. Citrus

Lemon, orange, and grapefruit trees, as well as other citrus species, thrive in Texas’ southernmost regions. For producers in the southern United States and coastal Texas, where the climate is consistently warmer, lemons, grapefruits, mandarins, and limes are ideal options. Because of the hot, bright weather, your beloved mandarins and oranges will taste sweeter in these regions. However, the majority of the state does not consistently remain warm enough for citrus trees to flourish.

11. Pomegranates

Pomegranate trees can also be found in Texas, though they normally thrive in a milder environment like the Mediterranean. These lovely shrubs or trees are drought resistant and have a built-in tolerance for cool winters and scorching summers. Pomegranates thrive in Texas’ hot, muggy climate, but they don’t produce fruit until later in the year, typically from October to December. Pomegranate plants thrive in mildly acidic or alkaline conditions, unlike some other fruit trees requiring a specific soil pH. Like many fruit trees, they dislike wet grounds and are susceptible to root rot.

12. Figs

Fig trees are an unusual choice in many places, yet they grow well throughout Texas. Because of their eye-catching foliage, fig trees are a rising star among fruit trees. These trees don’t require much maintenance; all they need is consistent watering in a sunny location. They can flourish in other parts of Texas with the right care but will require attention throughout the winter. Figs make a delicious summertime treat and are frequently seen in breakfast foods like cereal and yogurt.

When is the Best Time to Plant Fruit Trees in Texas?

In Texas, late December to early March is the ideal period to grow fruit trees. The tree will have plenty of time to develop strong root over the winter before the hot summer hits, making it easier to acclimate to its new location effectively.

3 Helpful Tips on Growing Fruit Trees in Texas

Texas is a great place to grow fruit trees if you’re interested. One of the best pieces of advice for cultivating fruit trees is surprisingly straightforward: pick plants that will yield fruit you want to eat! You might be startled to learn that over-attending to your new tree can slow down its growth. You’ll need to water the tree correctly and keep the area free of weeds.

1. Watering

One of the questions often asked is how frequently fruit trees need to be watered. While several factors will influence how much water your tree requires, a good general rule for watering is to water less frequently but slowly and deeply. The ultimate objective is to help your young tree develop a large enough root system to rely only on rainwater for survival.

2. Harvesting

Your fruit tree can need a few years before providing you with a full crop, depending on the kind. Removing all fruit in the first year is often advised, so the tree may concentrate on establishing itself and expanding.

3. Pruning

When pruning their trees, novice gardeners frequently do it at the wrong time of year. Pruning mature fruit trees in the winter is a great way to prepare them for the upcoming spring, summer, and fall.