#10: Bichon Frise

They’re peppy, playful, and stars of the dog park. They’re Bichon Frises! The curious little pups look a lot like Toy Poodles, but Bichon Frises are usually a bit more outgoing with strangers. They’re known as “personality dogs” among fanciers and generally do well on the competition circuit. The Bichon Frise made our list because they look like an animated bag of cotton balls! Click here to learn more about Bichon Frises, which are widely described as happy-go-lucky.

#9: Border Collie

Border Collies are one of the most popular dogs for active folks. The ultimate herding hounds, Border Collies cannot live their best lives with lazy people. The athletic pups need lots of action and attention. But for those with the time and inclination to keep their four-pawed pal happy, there are few dogs more enthusiastic than the Border Collie. The Border Collie made our list of best dogs because they are widely considered the smartest dogs on the planet. Click here to learn more about Border Collies, which originated on the England-Scotland border.

#8: Basset Hound

With their big ears and droopy eyes, Basset Hounds are a highly recognizable breed. And thanks to their low-key natures and propensity to chill on the couch, they’re super dogs for busy families that are constantly running from dance class to soccer practice to school and don’t have loads of time during the day to hang out with the family pet. The Basset Hound made our list of best dog breeds because they’re iconic. Even Lieutenant Columbo had one! Click here to learn more about Basset Hounds, which are considered the most charming of all dog breeds.

#7: Basenji

Basenjis are one of those dog breeds of which most people have never heard. Great for city living, Basenjis aren’t that large, don’t have many grooming requirements, and famously don’t bark. In some ways, Basenji behavior is more catlike than doglike. The Basenji made our list of best dog breeds because they don’t get enough public love, and they’re incredibly graceful and smart. Click here to learn more about Basenjis, which are hypoallergenic and need lots of exercise.

#6: Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are large and in charge — and they also rank among the sweetest dog breeds on Earth. A “nanny dog,” Saint Bernards love being a part of families with children of all ages, and they have no problems snuggling up with whoever is around. However, Saint Bernards can be a little stubborn. But let’s be honest, we all can be if the mood strikes! The Saint Bernard made our list because gentle giants are always welcome. Click here to learn more about Saint Bernards, which keep their puppy outlook for longer than most breeds.

#5: Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes are big, muscular, and loyal. But perhaps most of all, they’re dignified and have a royal air. The original sled dog, Alaskan Malamutes don all-weather coats that need constant care. So if you don’t have time to give a good brushing at least three times a week, you may want to look elsewhere. The Alaskan Malamute made our list of the best dogs because they can be hilariously independent and manipulate their owners. They are also great family dogs and good with children, but they tend to be overpowering to very young children or elderly adults, as well as vulnerable people, due to their strength and high energy. Alaskan Malamutes are also more difficult to train than some breeds. Click here to learn more about Alaskan Malamutes, which are very social.

#4: Golden Retrievers

A working dog, this breed is one of the most popular to own, known for their loyalty and friendship. Always ready to play, these loving dogs are energetic but also big into cuddles. Golden retrievers are highly intelligent and are known for their work as guide dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, and great emotional support animals. About as dedicated as they come, golden retrievers are the perfect family dog, getting along well with other dogs and children. Whether you’re looking for an adventure pal or a friend for your kids or both, golden retrievers are the perfect breed.

#3: Portuguese Water Dogs

For water lovers, a Portuguese Water Dog could be the perfect companion. The medium-to-large dogs sport curly hair and sweet faces. These aquatic masters are also ideal for people with allergies, as their coats are hypoallergenic and rarely shed. Portuguese Water Dogs may be a bit aloof with strangers, but they love having a chosen human with whom to pal around. The Portuguese water dog made our list of the best dog breeds because they top the list of swimming pups!

#2: Labrador Retrievers

The American Kennel Club lists Labrador Retrievers as the most popular dog in the United States. And there’s little wonder why. The iconic pups are great with kids, perfectly sized, and have loads of love and compassion to go around. Plus, you can easily teach them tricks, and their grooming needs are minimal. The Labrador Retriever made our list of the best dog breeds because the AKC ranks them #1! Click here to learn more about Labrador Retrievers, which come in many colors.

#1: Mixed Breed Dogs

Our pick for the best dog breed is the Mongrel — aka dogs that are a mix of types. These singular animals make up the majority of pups in shelters. They’re looking for homes and just as eager as you to find a best friend with whom they can share unconditional love and affection. Plus, mixed breed dogs have neat looks and personalities. The Mongrel topped our list of the best dog breeds because adopting pets from shelters is a wonderful thing to do and something every dog lover should consider!

Summary of the 10 Best Dog Breeds

To recap, here’s the 10 dog breeds largely viewed as the best:

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