He was enjoying his hike in the woods when he noticed a big cat in the distance. He says, “I found what I thought were bobcats on the trail during a run. Turns out they were cougar cubs and their mother was not happy to see me.” The video starts with one cat darting into the ditch with the hiker slowly moving toward it. At the speed of light, the momma cat comes out of nowhere and begins darting towards the man. He, like any of us would, started shouting expletives in fear of a possible attack.  Mountain lions, pumas, catamounts, and perhaps even ghost cats are all names for cougars. They are large cats that can leap up to twenty feet horizontally and sixteen feet vertically. Cougars prey on people for a variety of reasons. It’s possible that this is due to a shortage of food, a loss of territory, or a perception of people as prey. As he continues to shout and roar at the feline, the camera pans and we get a glimpse of how close the two actually are. Don’t back down if a cougar pursues you. Act aggressively by being loud. You can also display your teeth, and keep eye contact. Continue to grow as huge as possible, by waving your arms above your head. Consider what weapons you might be able to employ, such as a large nearby stick or a rock. In the terrifying six-minute-long video, the hiker continues to try to get the big cat to leave. At one point we see the camera raise as if he’s putting his arms above his head. The entire time, he’s backing up while keeping his eyes on the cat, which is exactly what you should do in this situation. The hiker states, “She escorted me for over six minutes to get me away from her cubs. Although she was acting very aggressive, the cougar had no intention of hurting me. The mother cougar was most likely caught off guard and did what she had to do to protect her cubs. Mama, cubs, and I are safe.” 

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