We’re going to use this information to determine which of these two capable monsters would win in a battle. This is a battle across time and between two titans; see who comes away victorious!

Comparing a T-Rex and a Spinosaurus

The Key Factors in a Fight Between T-Rex and Spinosaurus

When it comes to a fight between two monstrous reptiles like these, the battle will come down to a few key factors. We have determined that physical components as well as the hunting behaviors of the dinosaurs in question will have the biggest impact on the fight between them. Take a closer look at how each of the elements we summed up in the table above would impact the fight.

Physical Features

Both the T-Rex and Spinosaurus are known for being absolutely massive dinosaurs. They will need every advantage they can get if they are to survive a battle. We’ve broken down the physical elements of these dinosaurs into five very specific features. Take a look at how these two dinosaurs measure up to each other.

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Size

The T-Rex was a very large dinosaur that weighed up to 15,000lbs, stood anywhere from 12-20ft in height, and was about 40ft long. Many people think the T-Rex is the king of all dinosaurs in terms of size, but the Spinosaurus dwarfs it. Spinosaurus weighs 31,000 pounds, stood 23ft tall, and could reach 60ft in length. This was a much larger creature, especially for a carnivore. Spinosaurus gets the advantage in terms of sheer size.

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Speed and Movement

The T-Rex was swift for a reptile its size. It could run at 17mph with a bipedal stride. The Spinosaurus was slightly slower on land, running at 15mph, but it’s assumed this creature would spend a lot of time in the water, where it was far better at swimming.  T-Rex gets the advantage for speed, but only on land.

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Bite Power and Teeth

The Spinosaurus has 64 straight, conical teeth and a mouth that was similar to a crocodile. However, its bite power was 19,000 N, and that is nothing compared to the T-Rex. The T-Rex had immensely powerful jaws that allowed the dinosaur to exert upwards of 57,000 N of power on a bite. Moreover, the T-Rex had teeth up to 12 inches long while the Spinosaurus had a few teeth that measured perhaps 6 inches. The T-Rex was made to hunt and kill with its powerful bite, but the Spinosaurus seems better suited to catching fish. The T-Rex gets the biting advantage.

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Senses

The T-Rex gets the benefit of having many very detailed fossilized remains, so we know it had an amazing sense of smell, vision, and hearing. However, we don’t have as much information about Spinosaurus, but it looks like it had good vision and a poor sense of smell. Not much is known about its hearing. T-Rex gets the advantage for senses.

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Physical Defenses

Physical defenses will keep a predator alive or stop a fight before it starts. In the case of the T-Rex, its massive size, ability to run 17mph, and intelligence made it an incredibly potent force from a defensive standpoint. The Spinosaurus was even bigger than T-Rex and it could hide out in the water, too. The Spinosaurus was not as smart as the T-Rex, but its adaptability and size give it the advantage for defense.  

Combat Skills

The ability to fight well is very important for surviving a battle. The T-Rex and Spinosaurus have certain habits as predators that set them apart, and they have different offensive powers. Take a look at which dinosaur comes out on top in terms of their fighting prowess.  

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Offensive Capabilities

The T-Rex has a powerful bite that would tear a great deal of flesh from an opponent as well as two small arms that could cut deep into the enemy. They also have the speed needed to catch their prey, giving them a small chance of escaping unharmed unless they went somewhere the T-Rex couldn’t reach. The Spinosaurus also had a strong bite that would cause severe punctures to prey. Their ability to attack in and near the water also sets them apart. These two creatures get a tie because their offensive powers are strong but too unique to determine a winner.  

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus: Predatory Behaviors

The T-Rex would smell, see, or hear prey and then pursue it until they managed to kill it. Their methods were straightforward but very effective. Spinosaurus could have been a pursuit predator, but it could also be an ambush predator, seeking prey in the water or near the water’s edge. These two dinosaurs tie because they were both the most vicious predators of their day.

What Are Key Differences Between T-Rex and Spinosaurus?

The Spinosaurus was heavier, taller, and longer than the T-Rex, but the latter’s bite was far more powerful. The Spinosaurus was also believed to be semi-aquatic, but the T-Rex lived solely on land. Lastly, the T-Rex was far more intelligent than the Spinosaurus and had more acute senses.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between T-Rex and Spinosaurus?

In a T-Rex vs Spinosaurus fight, the T-Rex would come away victorious. The Spinosaurus does have the benefit of being able to ambush a T-Rex at the edge of the water, and that might be the lone scenario where the T-Rex loses. It would still be hard to pull off given the T-Rex’s amazing senses. Yet, the T-Rex had a massive neck that the Spinosaurus wasn’t going to break with its bite power. The T-Rex could thrash free and clamp down on the Spinosaurus. With all that power and the 12-inch teeth, the most likely outcome is that the T-Rex kills Spinosaurus. In fact, using its high intellect, senses, powerful legs to prevent getting toppled, and tremendous bite, the T-Rex would come into this fight underweight, but it would still have the power to do fatal damage to the other dinosaur. That is where the Spinosaurus comes up short. The Spinosaurus was longer than a T-Rex, and is the largest known carnivorous dinosaur. Estimates for Spinosaurus’ length reach up to 60 feet while estimates for T-Rex’s length typically range between 40 feet and a high-end of 50 feet for the largest possible specimens.