One woman visiting her sister in Montana had to contend with the wrath of Angus, the duck. Known for being a bit cranky, this male duck was not about to let anyone encroach on his territory. It didn’t matter if they were family or not—Angus was not having any of it. The video begins with a very angry Angus chasing the woman up the stairs and onto the deck. He flaps his wings at her as she runs. The woman is clearly nervous, letting out a little squeak as the duck follows her. Round 1 goes to Angus. At the end of the deck, the woman turns around. She clearly isn’t going to be backed into a corner either. Bending down, she uses her hands to push Angus away from her. He backs off for a second but mounts a second attack. Round 2 goes to the woman. Angus moves around the deck and the woman stands in an authoritative pose. At one point, she puts out a hand to tell him to stop. It seems like she’s becoming the dominant one in the exchange. “Go,” she says, as Angus waddles away. “Yeah, go!” Her top knot bobbles in triumph as Angus begins to make his way back to the stairs. Round 3 goes to the woman. Angus makes one last show of his feathers. The woman mimics him, moving her own arms back and forth. Angus walks back to the stairs to return to the yard. But he takes his sweet time, not willing to admit defeat. Maybe he’s just biding his time. While the match seems to have gone to the woman today, Angus is probably not going to let her off that easy. “I have a crazy male duck who chases and bites everyone,” said the original poster. “My sister came to visit me and Angus chased her up the deck but she stared him down and got him to back away.” Angus may have been defeated today but we know he won’t be down long.


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