In this article, we will compare and contrast the mosasaurus with the spinosaurus so that we can get a true understanding of both of these creatures. In addition, we will go over their offensive and defensive capabilities to try and determine a winner in this imaginary fight. Let’s get started and go over all of this information in more detail now! 

Comparing Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus

Key Differences Between Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus

There are a number of key differences between the spinosaurus and the mosasaurus that greatly affect the outcome of this battle. For example, the spinosaurus is longer than the mosasaurus, though the mosasaurus weighs more than the spinosaurus on average. Additionally, the bite force of the spinosaurus is stronger than that of the mosasaurus, though the mosasaurus had higher intelligence than the average spinosaurus.  This is not enough information to determine the winner of this battle. Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know in more detail now. 

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Size

One of the main contributing factors in a fight between two dinosaurs has to be size. When it comes to the size of the spinosaurus versus the mosasaurus, the spinosaurus grows longer than the mosasaurus overall. However, the mosasaurus weighs more than the spinosaurus, making this a more even fight. Let’s take a closer look at the figures now.  The average spinosaurus reached 45 to 60 feet in length, while the average mosasaurus only reached 35 to 55 feet long. However, the mosasaurus weighed an average of 20 to 25 tons, while the spinosaurus only weighed 10 to 15 tons. This is a significant weight difference, and likely means that the spinosaurus has a difficult time taking down the average mosasaurus.  When it comes to size, these two dinosaurs are equally matched. 

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Speed

Speed is an extremely important consideration in a fight between the spinosaurus and the mosasaurus. Both of these dinosaurs are extremely fast and agile for their size, though they are the most agile in their preferred terrains. For example, the mosasaurus existed in water, while the spinosaurus existed primarily on land. So, when it comes to speed and the outcome of this fight, it truly depends on where the fight begins.  Despite this, the mosasaurus had a faster top speed compared to the spinosaurus. For example, the spinosaurus reached 10 to 15 mph, while the mosasaurus frequently reached 20 to 30 mph. So, if a fight did indeed happen in the water, the mosasaurus would have the advantage over the spinosaurus, hands down. 

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Offensive Powers

Offensively, it is another close match between the spinosaurus and the mosasaurus. Both of these dinosaurs had rows of extremely sharp teeth, though the bite force of the spinosaurus was higher than the bite force of the mosasaurus. Additionally, both of these creatures were ambush predators, capable of rushing their prey and latching onto them with their powerful jaws.  However, the spinosaurus frequently hunted along the edges of rivers or lakes, ambushing prey that lived in water, which is where the mosasaurus lived. It is entirely possible that the spinosaurus would win in an offensive fight, given its familiarity with ambushing aquatic prey like the mosasaurus. 

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Defensive Powers

When it comes to the defensive techniques of both of these dinosaurs, it is another close call. It all depends on how the battle plays out in terms of strategy, which may give the mosasaurus an advantage over the spinosaurus. Research suggests that the Mosasaurus was highly intelligent, while the spinosaurus was not considered particularly wise.  So, if the mosasaurus was a quick thinker in this fight, it may have the advantage over the spinosaurus in terms of defense. 

Spinosaurus vs Mosasaurus: Endurance and Behavior

It is difficult to determine a winner when it comes to the endurance and behavior of both the spinosaurus and the mosasaurus. This is primarily the case because they live in different environments for most of their lives. However, given the fact that the spinosaurus frequently hunts dinosaurs along the edges of waterways, they may end up winning in a fight against the mosasaurus.  Additionally, the mosasaurus needs to breathe air in order to survive, which means that the spinosaurus could indeed drown the mosasaurus with little effort. However, the same could be said in the opposite direction, if a spinosaurus chose to engage a mosasaurus in battle in a body of water rather than on land. Given the huge differences in environments and strategy with both of these creatures, it would be an extremely close battle between a spinosaurus and a mosasaurus. There’s no way for us to call a fight like this, given just how unique both of these dinosaurs were!