In this article, we will compare and contrast the size of the shoebill stork with the size of the average person. In addition, we will address the dietary preferences of shoebill storks compared to humanity, as well as the natural predators of both of us. Curious if a shoebill stork can indeed grow larger than a human? Let’s get started and learn more now!

Comparing Shoebill Stork vs Human

Key Differences Between Shoebill Stork vs Human

There are a number of differences between the shoebill stork and the average human in terms of size. For example, the average human is much heavier than the average shoebill stork. However, the shoebill stork can grow taller than some humans, depending on age and gender. Additionally, both humans and the shoebill stork eat omnivorous diets and face similar predators. Let’s break down the size of the shoebill stork and the size of the average human in more detail now.

Shoebill Stork vs Human: Height

There are some significant differences in the height of the shoebill stork and the height of the average human. While it may surprise you, a shoebill stork can grow taller than some humans, though not all. For example, the average human ranges in height from 5 to 7 feet tall, while the average shoebill stork reaches 4 to 5 and a half feet tall. This means that the shoebill stork may be taller than you, which is definitely a surprising thing to make a note of! 

Shoebill Stork vs Human: Weight

The primary difference between humanity and the shoebill stork has to be how much we weigh in comparison. Just like the majority of other bird species, the shoebill stork has hollow bones, while we do not. It leads to the shoebill stork weighing significantly less than the average human, despite us being similar in height. But just how different are our weights? Let’s take a closer look at the figures now.  Depending on age and gender, the average human weighs anywhere from 100 to 300 pounds, while the shoebill stork rarely exceeds 12 pounds in weight. Despite this bird reaching nearly six feet tall, it never weighs more than this amount, which is a significant difference compared to the average 6 feet tall person! 

Shoebill Stork vs Human: Diet

Why we may seem extremely different from the average bird, there are some similarities in the diet of the shoebill stork in the diet of humans. The primary similarity is the fact that we are both omnivores, as the shoebill stork eats a very diet similar to humans. However, the average shoebill stork eats fish and snakes as the majority of its diet, while we all know humans prefer fruits, vegetables, and protein sources which likely doesn’t include snakes!  Shoebill storks are notorious for eating baby crocodiles, though this is behavior that they do if there are no fish present. However, it is likely that the shoebill stork needs to eat much more than the average human, despite the fact that we typically eat 3 meals a day! 

Shoebill Stork vs Human: Predators

While the answer may surprise you, both humans and shoebill storks have extremely similar predators or threats to their lives or ecosystems. However, the shoebill stork is in danger of being eaten by the average crocodile, while most humans don’t have to worry about this daily. The predators or threats that we share with the shoebill stork include other humans as well as environmental or ecological threats, such as climate change. 

Shoebill Stork vs Human: Size Comparisons

Now that you have a level of understanding as to just how large the shoebill stork is compared to humans, what other comparisons can we make to help you understand the true size of this terrifying bird? While humans are taller than most shoebill storks, they are not taller than ostriches, and the average shoebill stork mimics the height of most 5th graders.  When you think of a bird that is as tall as a 5th grader stalking the swamps and waters of Africa, it’s enough to send chills down your spine! And while we are still taller and heavier than the average shoebill stork, there’s no denying just how cool and impressive this bird is!