We all know the famous recordings made on the Moon, showing astronauts seemingly floating on the satellite’s surface. Obviously, they weren’t actually floating. Instead, the gravitational force they experienced was smaller than the one on Earth. As such, they had the ability to jump higher and further. Their strength would increase at the same time. Without any further ado, let’s take a look at how far you could jump and how strong you’d be on the surface of Saturn, the second-largest planet in our Solar System.

What factors influence the distance of a long jump?

You can probably jump less than 2-3 feet far from a standing position. This is because your velocity during take-off is equal to zero – there’s no built-up speed. This built-up speed is linked to terms such as horizontal velocity and vertical velocity. The first is developed in the run-up, and the latter during take-off.  There are several factors that influence horizontal and vertical velocities.  One of them is gravity. Gravity affects the acceleration that one can have before and after jumping. This acceleration affects the speed you can reach, the time you spend in the air, and ultimately the distance you can jump. On Earth, gravity is constant. As a result, professional jumpers have to improve their form, strength, and take-off angle. On other planets, gravity is different than on Earth. As a result, the entire equation and the number of factors that influence the distance of a long jump change. Let’s see how things happen on Saturn.

What is the exact gravity on Saturn?

The exact gravity on the surface of Saturn is 34.3 ft/s2 – or 1.065 g. It is about 106% the gravity of Earth – or 6% stronger. A 10 lb object on Earth would weigh about 10.6 lbs on Saturn. This value influences the weight of objects (not their mass), your ability to jump, as well as your overall strength. Saturn is one of the planets with similar gravity to Earth. There, the gravitational force is only about 6% stronger than Earth’s. As a result, jumping and lifting objects require pretty much the same effort. You would, however, spend 6% less time in the air after a jump. This affects the distance that you can jump. For comparison purposes, the gravity on the Moon is 5.31 ft/s2 – or 0.166 g. It is about 16% the gravity of Earth – or 84% lower. You can refer to the famous moon walking videos to get an idea and a starting point for the matters in question here.

How far and high could you jump on the surface of Saturn?

In theory, on Saturn,  you could jump approximately 1.54 ft high from a standing position and spend 0.60 seconds in the air. On Earth, you can jump about 1.64 ft high and spend 0.63 seconds airborne. This means that, on Saturn, you can jump about 0.93 times the height and distance you can on Earth. Saturn has a mass of about 95 Earths. If mass would be the only aspect to influence gravity, then you’d probably not be able to move at all on this planet’s surface. Luckily, outer space is much more complex than that. In theory, according to the data presented here, you could jump 82.77 inches far on the surface of Saturn – 93% of an approximate average 7 ft 5 in (89 inches) jump on Earth. On our planet, this would make you an almost average jumper.

How far and high could you jump on the surface of every planet in our Solar System?

Here is how far and how high you could jump on the surface of every planet in our solar system:

How strong would you be on the surface of Saturn?

In theory, you’d be 0.93 times (less) stronger on the surface of Saturn. On this planet’s surface, 10 lbs feel like 10.6 lbs. The greatest weight ever lifted, 6,270 lbs, would weigh about 6,677.5 lbs on Saturn. This planet’s gravity is quite similar to ours. This means that it wouldn’t be very difficult for you to pick up and lift the objects you interact with daily. However, if you were a professional lifter, you would have to deal with tens to hundreds of lbs more when lifting weights.

What planet could you jump the farthest and be the strongest on?

Pluto is the planet you could jump the farthest and be the strongest on. With a gravity of only 0.063 g, a jump would send you floating (almost literally) for about 10 seconds. Lifting and pushing heavy objects would become a child’s play on the surface of this dwarf planet.

Here’s Saturn compared to other planets!

Up Next:

See How Far You Could Jump, and How Strong You’d Be On The Surface of UranusThis is How Cold The Surface of Saturn Really is, And What Could Survive ThereThis Is How Much You’d Weigh On SaturnWhich Planet is the Windiest, and Why?