Ultimately, no matter how hard you train and how much you put into developing the mentioned muscles, there will always be one thing to draw you back, literally. It is Earth’s gravity, a force that cannot be overcome. Gravity on Earth is called normal gravity, measuring 1 g of acceleration, equal to an acceleration of 32.2 ft/s2. This value differs throughout the Universe. As a result, jumping on Mars, for instance, is very different from jumping on Earth. At the same time, you might also experience increased strength, thanks to several factors we’ll discuss below. If you’re curious about how movement would be on other planets, this article will give you all the needed answers. Let’s see how far you could jump and how strong you’d be on the surface of Mars!

What factors determine the distance of a long jump?

Vertical velocity during take-off and horizontal velocity developed in the run-up influence the distance of a long jump the most. According to research, the equation to determine jump distance takes into account take-off velocity, angle of take-off, acceleration due to gravity, and the change in take-off height of the center of mass. The interesting part, however, is that most of the equation consists of constant values. For example, the change in take-off height of the center of the mass is often seen as a constant in competitions and is different in casual jumpers only. The same applies to acceleration due to gravity. It varies slightly only in some specific places on Earth (at sea level or mountain peaks). However, things are bound to change when jumping on Mars. Will horizontal velocity and vertical velocity still influence a jumping distance the most? 

What is the exact gravity on Mars?

The exact gravity on the surface of Mars is 12.2072 ft/s2 – or 0.3794 g. It is about 38% the gravity of Earth – or 62% weaker. A 10 lbs object on Earth would weigh about 3.8 lbs on Mars. This value influences the weight of objects (not their mass), your ability to jump, as well as your overall strength. Mars is one of the planets that have a much weaker gravity than the one on our planet. As a result, a simple jump on its surface can have impressive results. The same applies to your strength. Imagine that a 100 lbs object is a mere 38 lbs on Mars. A 1 lb object, on the other hand, would be subject to a floating state if you pushed it a little. For comparison purposes, the gravity on the Moon is 5.31 ft/s2 – or 0.166 g. It is about 16% the gravity of Earth – or 84% weaker. You can refer to the famous moon walking videos to get an idea and a starting point for the matters in question here.

How far and high could you jump on the surface of Mars?

Theoretically, you could jump 4.33 ft high on Mars from a standing position and spend 1.68 seconds in the air. On Earth, you can jump about 1.64 ft high and spend 0.63 seconds airborne. This means that, on Mars, you can jump about 2.63 times as high and far away. Mars is also a decently sized planet, about 0.107 Earths. Its escape velocity is high (about 11,250 mph) – in short, you cannot jump, escape the planet’s gravitational force, and get stuck in outer space. In theory, according to the data presented here, you could jump 234 inches far on the surface of Mars – 263% of an approximate average 7 ft 5 in (89 inches) jump on Earth. On our planet, this would make you an exceptional, literally out-of-this-world jumper.

How far and high could you jump on the surface of every planet in our Solar System?

Here is how far and how high you could jump on the surface of every planet in our Solar System:

How strong would you be on the surface of Mars?

In theory, you’d be 2.63 times as strong on the surface of Mars. On the planet’s surface, 10 lbs feel like 3.8 lbs. The greatest weight ever lifted, 6,270 lbs, would weigh only about 2,378.8 lbs on Mars. Don’t forget about object mass! By definition, mass influences an object’s resistance to acceleration (determined by gravity). The mass of a 100 lb object will never change, only its weight. If the mass of an object is bigger, it will be more difficult to pick it up, regardless of its weight.

What planet could you jump the farthest and be the strongest on?

Pluto is the planet you could jump the farthest and be the strongest on. It has a gravity of only 0.063 g. After jumping, you’d spend about 10 seconds in the air before reaching the planet’s surface again. A 10 lbs weight would only be 0.6 lbs on Pluto.

Here’s Mars compared to other planets!

Up Next:

This is How Hot And Cold The Surface of Mars Really is, And What Could Survive ThereSee How Far You Could Jump, and How Strong You’d Be On The Surface of JupiterThis Is How Much You’d Weigh On MarsHow Far Away From The Sun, and Other Planets, is Earth?