Learn how these terms were applied in the past and how they are used today. Learn the truth about Velociraptors!

Dispelling the Myth of the Velociraptor

The Velociraptor achieved an unfair level of fame and fear due to the film Jurassic Park. In this movie, the Velociraptor was portrayed as a 6-foot scaly dinosaur that coordinated to hunt down humans and other dinosaurs. However, that’s not remotely true. In truth, the Velociraptor is only about the size of a turkey. While it was probably a very deadly creature to animals its size or smaller, it was not hunting down T-rex in packs or anything like that. Furthermore, it seems rather certain that this dinosaur had feathers. While we’re on the subject of fictional portrayals, there is no way that this would win any ground against Indominus Rex. Thus, the raptors from the movies are very different than those in real life.

What Do We Mean by Raptor?

There are two ways that we can look at the term raptor. In the present day, the word refers to birds of prey, like eagles, hawks, and falcons. These birds all hunt other animals, use their claws to grasp and kill their prey, and have curved beaks. Dinosaurs called raptors are often those from the Dromaeosauridae family. These dinosaurs got the name raptor because they probably feasted on carrion after larger dinosaurs killed them. Interestingly, these dinosaurs most likely had feathers, too. This family of dinosaurs varied quite a bit in terms of size. For example, the Utahraptor was significantly larger than the Velociraptor. The Utahraptor weighed up to 1,100 pounds, stood 6 feet tall overall, and measured about 20 feet long or more! This was the real dinosaur that could terrorize people in tall grass.

Raptor vs Velociraptor: What Are the Differences?

The greatest differences between a raptor and vs Velociraptor include the specificity of the term and the size of the creatures that fall under those terms. The word Velociraptor can only refer to a specific dinosaur genus with two species, both of which had an upper size of 50 lbs and 2.5 ft tall, but raptor can refer to the Dromaeosauridae at large as well as birds of prey in the modern-day. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the different types of animals that have been called raptors in the past and present.

Comparing a Raptor vs Velociraptor vs Utahraptor

Image needed: harpy eagle, velociraptor, Utahraptor Let’s take some time to really drive home the concept of how a raptor vs velociraptor differs. In this case, the best thing to do is to find a modern incarnation of the raptor and compare it to the velociraptor as well as another species of “raptor” that existed in the past. With this information, you’ll see the major differences and similarities between these creatures. Raptors in the past and present had deadly claws or talons. These structures allow raptors of all sorts to grasp their prey, hold it in place, and kill it.

Raptor vs Velociraptor: Who Would Win in a Fight?

A raptor would win a fight against a Velociraptor, depending on the definition that we use. A fight between a Velociraptor and a Utahraptor would end in favor of the latter. The Utahraptor is far larger than the Velociraptor, and it would easily chase it down, hold it down, and finish it off with a series of devastating bites. The smaller dinosaur might have a chance to land scratches on the larger dinosaur if it is lucky, but it would probably turn tail and run from the larger one to save its life. The other matchup in this series would be a raptor bird vs a Velociraptor. In this case, it depends on the bird. Some of the largest raptors in the world manage to attack and kill prey by dropping it off cliffs or by using their immense speed and power to slam into prey. In the case of a very large raptor bird, like a harpy eagle, it could probably kill a velociraptor if it landed the first strike. After all, an attack from the air could be a significant opening and end to the fight. Still, if the battle took place on the ground, then the dinosaur would probably secure a quick meal.

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the Velociraptor is only about the size of a turkey. While it was probably a very deadly creature to animals its size or smaller, it was not hunting down T-rex in packs or anything like that. Furthermore, it seems rather certain that this dinosaur had feathers. What does it mean to be called a “raptor?” Dinosaurs called raptors are often those from the Dromaeosauridae family. These dinosaurs got the name raptor because they probably feasted on carrion after larger dinosaurs killed them. Interestingly, these dinosaurs most likely had feathers, too.