In this article, we will compare and contrast radicchio with red cabbage so that you can fully understand what separates them from one another. We will go over what they look like and all of the different ways in which they are used around the world. Finally, we will go over the nutritional value of both of these vegetables in case you’re interested in incorporating them into your diet. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Radicchio vs Red Cabbage

Key Differences Between Radicchio vs Red Cabbage

There are a number of key differences between radicchio and red cabbage. For example, radicchio and red cabbage belong to different plant families from one another. In addition, the leaves found on the radicchio plant are covered in white veins, while red cabbage leaves are more uniform overall. Finally, radicchio roots can be used as a substitute for coffee, while red cabbage roots cannot.  Let’s go over all of these differences in more detail now. 

Radicchio vs Red Cabbage: Classification

Despite their similar appearances, red cabbage and radicchio belong to different plant families from one another. For example, radicchio belongs to the Asteraceae family, while red cabbage belongs to the Brassicaceae family. In detail, radicchio is further classified as Cichorium intybus var. foliosum, while red cabbage is classified as Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra, making them distinct varieties in their specific plant families. 

Radicchio vs Red Cabbage: Description

Given the fact that red cabbage and radicchio both have distinctive red leaves, it can be difficult to tell them apart when they are side by side. However, radicchio leaves have white veins throughout, while red cabbage leaves do not. In addition, the texture of radicchio leaves are more waxy compared to the smooth leaves found on red cabbage.  When consumed raw, radicchio leaves are much more bitter and crunchy compared to the peppery leaves of the red cabbage. However, both of these vegetables mellow and get sweeter in their overall flavor when they are cooked, a popular culinary choice for both radicchio and red cabbage! 

Radicchio vs Red Cabbage: Uses

Speaking of their culinary uses, both radicchio and red cabbage have a variety of ways in which they are popularly prepared. For example, radicchio is popularly used in Italian cuisine, while red cabbage is used around the world. Red cabbage is popular in coleslaw and steamed, while radicchio is popular in risottos and sauteed.  Something that is interesting to note about red cabbage and radicchio is the fact that their beautiful red colors can bleed onto other things you’re cooking with. This is important to keep in mind so that you can properly prepare them. Finally, the roots of the radicchio plants can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute given its relation to the chicory plant, while red cabbage is not used for this purpose. 

Radicchio vs Red Cabbage: Nutrition Information

Both radicchio and red cabbage have a number of vitamins and minerals that they can offer you as part of a healthy and well-balanced diet. For example, radicchio is full of vitamin K and vitamin E, while red cabbage is full of vitamin A and vitamin C. Both options have plenty of fiber and are low in carbohydrates, and radicchio and red cabbage have plenty of antioxidants, given their beautiful red color. 

Radicchio vs Red Cabbage: Special Features

Speaking of their beautiful red colors, radicchio and red cabbage are used in a variety of special ways because of this. For example, red cabbage is used to dye certain items in a natural way, given its bright red pigment. Centuries ago, radicchio was valued as a sedative and a natural medicine to combat insomnia. In fact, Pliny the Elder viewed radicchio as a valuable plant for this reason.  No matter the case, radicchio and red cabbage both have a number of things to offer the average home chef, including a variety of vitamins and minerals. Whether or not they help you sleep is up for debate, but both radicchio and red cabbage are beautiful vegetables to incorporate into your daily meals!