We have gathered the data and put our imaginations to work to bring this fight to life. Consider the various points of data and see whether the polar bear or the elephant would walk away alive!

Comparing a Polar Bear and an Elephant

The Key Factors in a Fight Between a Polar Bear and an Elephant

Figuring out which of these mammals would win a fight against one another requires examining a lot of data. The most important key factors in this fight would undoubtedly be the physical traits of the animals and the way they attack their enemies. We have gathered and analyzed seven points of data that fall into two categories: physical features and combat skills. Consider each of these elements and see the major advantages that one creature has against the other.  

Physical Features of Polar Bears and Elephants

Polar bears and elephants are both large, speedy, powerful creatures. However, the only way to determine which of these creatures is better suited to fight against the other is to parse their physical statistics. We are going to look at five different physical features to see which animal has the true advantage in this battle.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Size

Size and weight are very important features to look at when considering two contestants. A cursory glance at these creatures reveals that the polar bear is fighting against an animal in a completely different weight class, and that’s bad news. The elephant can grow up to 12ft tall and weigh 12,000lbs, and the polar bear can grow up to 5ft tall at the shoulder and weigh 1,300lbs. Thee largest elephant ever recorded weighed about 24,000 pounds and is displayed in a Smithsonian Museum today. Compare that to the largest polar bear on record which weighed 2,209 pounds! The elephant has a clear advantage against polar bears in size.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Speed and Movement

A charging elephant can reach speeds of up to 25mph, meaning it can run down a lot of different enemies. The polar bear can gallop at a speed of 25mph as well, and it can swim at a swift 6mph. The speed and movement of polar bears and elephants are too close to call, so it’s a tie.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Bite Power and Teeth

On one hand, elephants only use their teeth to chew plant matter, so they do not have any appreciable biting power compared to carnivores. On the other hand, polar bears have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom, reaching 1,200PSI. Their teeth are only 2 inches long, but they are slightly curved to tear flesh and keep a hold on their prey. Polar bears have the advantage in bite power and teeth.  

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Senses

Elephants have a wonderful sense of hearing that helps alert them to encroaching predators, but they also have poor vision. They find food with a very potent sense of smell that can detect food from miles away. Polar bears have great senses for finding prey like other predators. They can also smell prey from miles away in the right conditions. Their vision is good, similar to humans, and capable of seeing in the ultra-bright conditions of the snowy Arctic. Their hearing is one of the few ever studied and measured by humans, and it’s sensitive to a variety of frequencies, so they can hear other animals well enough. The polar bear has the advantage in senses.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Physical Defenses

The polar bear’s defenses are extensive, making use of their large size, great senses, fierce roar, and ability to flee from danger on land or water to stay safe. Elephants are so large that predators simply do not bother with them out of fear. Polar bears have a more diverse set of physical defenses than elephants, so they get the advantage.

Combat Skills of Polar Bears and Elephants

As we’ve said before, the physical traits of an animal are only one part of the equation. An animal must know how to put their bodies to use to win a fight. Fortunately, this bout features two creatures that understand how to take out other animals with ease.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Offensive Capabilities

The offensive powers of an elephant are not numerous, but they’re very effective. Elephants will use their tusks to flip and then gore an enemy, or they will simply use their body weight to crush them, especially by stomping. Polar bears use their hooked claws and strength to grasp and hold prey while mauling it with their powerful jaws and teeth. Both animals are very capable in their offensive capabilities, so they tie on this point.

Polar Bear vs Elephant: Predatory Behaviors

Elephants have no predatory behaviors, only defensive measures they employ against predators. They will charge and feign attacks to drive back predators or kill those that get close enough. Polar bears are natural predators that will chase down and kill prey or wait by seals’ breaching holes in the ice to feed on them. Polar bears are much more effective predators than elephants.  

What Are Key Differences Between a Polar Bear and an Elephant?

Elephants are herbivores that are 12 feet tall, weigh over 10,000 pounds, and measure up to 20 feet long while polar bears are carnivores that stand 5 feet tall, weigh over 1,000 pounds, and measure over 9 feet in length. The mammals are also very different in terms of how they find food and their level of aggression. Polar bears are highly aggressive, even towards humans. Elephants also pose a threat to humans, but they only actively kill them if they get too close. A polar bear can sometimes hunt humans.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between a Polar Bear and an Elephant?

An elephant would win in a polar bear vs elephant fight. The elephant is simply too large for the bear to do anything meaningful against. The polar bear can’t exactly leap onto an elephant’s back, so it would only be able to attack the elephant’s legs and stomach area. They could do serious damage to that area of the body, but they would put themselves in terrible danger in hopes of landing a blow. The fight would likely end with an elephant charging and trampling the polar bear. The bear might inflict a few gashes or bites against the elephant, but that is not enough to kill it. Polar bears do not even have the benefit of a large pack to bring down an elephant, either. Just about everything an elephant would do to attack a polar bear would be fatal, either by goring or stomping it to death. Either way, the elephant wins.