In this article, we will address everything you need to know about the mountain cur and the black mouth cur. We will discuss them as individual dogs as well as how they compare to one another so that you get a full understanding of both breeds. Let’s get started and talk about these dogs now!

Comparing Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur

Key Differences Between Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur

There are many key differences between the mountain cur and the black mouth cur. The mountain cur is smaller than the black mouth cur in weight but not in height. While both of these dog breeds were bred for similar reasons, the mountain cur is ideal for protecting farmland, while the black mouth cur is ideal for hunting large animals. Finally, the mountain cur lives a slightly longer life than the black mouth cur.  Let’s take a look at all of these differences in more detail now.

Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur: Size

One of the main differences between these two dog breeds is their size. The black mouth cur is larger than the mountain cur, but only in weight. The mountain cur is ever so slightly taller than the black mouth cur. This doesn’t really affect the performances of either of these two dogs, though some dog owners would argue against this. However, what are their size differences like in more detail? Let’s take a closer look. The mountain cur averages anywhere from 16-26 feet tall, while the black mouth cur averages 15-25 feet tall. As you can tell, this is hardly a noticeable difference, and both of these dogs often overlap in height. However, the mountain cur averages 30-60 pounds, while the black mouth cur averages 40-95 pounds total.

Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur: Appearance

You may not be able to tell the difference between a mountain cur and a black mouth cur upon first glance. However, there are some differences in their markings and colorings, although they are both covered in a smooth, fine coat. The black mouth cur often has a black muzzle or snout, while the mountain cur does not always have a muzzle color that is different from its coat color. However, it all depends on the specific breeding of both of these dogs as to how similar they look to one another. The mountain cur often has a brindle or dark colored coat, while the black mouth cur frequently comes in a fawn or yellow color. However, there aren’t very many breed standards for the appearances of either of these dogs, so this is something to keep in mind.

Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur: Ancestry and Breeding

Both the mountain cur and the black mouth cur have very similar ancestries and breeding purposes. For example, the mountain cur was originally bred to protect farms and lands as well as hunt, while the black mouth cur was originally bred for hunting exclusively. Given the larger size of the black mouth cur, it makes sense that they would be ideal for hunting larger prey compared to the mountain cur. However, both of these dogs make fantastic companions and help around the farm. They are also both well-equipped for hunting trips as well, capable of running game up into trees as well as taking down large game themselves. 

Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur: Behavior

The behavior of the mountain cur and the black mouth cur are extremely similar. However, the black mouth cur is a bit more stubborn and difficult to train compared to the eager to please mountain cur. This stubbornness may be in part due to the size of the black mouth cur compared to the size of the mountain cur, so this is something to keep in mind.

Mountain Cur vs Black Mouth Cur: Lifespan

A final key difference between the mountain cur and the black mouth cur is their lifespans. The mountain cur lives longer than the black mouth cur, likely due to their inherent size differences. For example, the mountain cur lives 14-16 years on average, while the black mouth cur lives 12-15 years, depending on the health and care it receives.