In this article, we will compare and contrast the Mosasaurus and the blue whale in a variety of different ways so that you can see which of these two creatures would reign supreme in a fight. We will go over their offensive and defensive capabilities as well as their speed and endurance, truly testing both of these creatures. Let’s get started and find out who would win in this imaginary fight now! 

Comparing Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale

Key Differences Between Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale

There are many key differences between a Mosasaurus and a blue whale when it comes to a fight. The blue whale is much larger than the Mosasaurus, though the Mosasaurus is much more agile and fast compared to the blue whale. In addition, the Mosasaurus has large and powerful teeth, while the blue whale does not possess any teeth at all.  However, this is not enough for us to determine a victor in this fight. Let’s go over all of the different things to consider before we crown a winner. 

Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale: Size

There’s simply no competition when it comes to comparing the size of a blue whale and the size of a Mosasaurus, or just about any other creature for that matter! The blue whale is absolutely gigantic, in both length and weight, far larger than even the largest Mosasaurus discovered in the world.  Taking a more in-depth look at the figures now, the average Mosasaurus reached anywhere from 35 to 55 feet long, while the average blue whale reaches 80 to 100 feet long, depending on gender. In addition, the blue whale has a weight of 100 to 160 tons, while the average Mosasaurus only weighs 20 to 25 tons. When it comes to size, the blue whale wins against the Mosasaurus. 

Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale: Speed

While both of these creatures are very large, there is a significant winner when it comes to speed. Both the Mosasaurus and the blue whale are capable of reaching speeds of up to 30 mph, though the blue whale averages 10 to 12 mph, while the Mosasaurus was accustomed to speeds of 20 to 30 mph regularly.  Given the fact that the blue whale can only reach 30 mph for short bursts, the Mosasaurus has the advantage in terms of speed. In fact, this ancient creature was built for speed, with flippers and fins to help it swim even faster. That’s why, if this was just a race, the Mosasaurus would reign supreme over the blue whale, without question. 

Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale: Offensive Powers

The blue whale and the Mosasaurus have fascinating offensive powers. The primary offensive technique utilized by the Mosasaurus has to be its teeth, while the blue whale itself doesn’t have any teeth to fight with. However, the blue whale can utilize its tail and extremely loud communication techniques to disorient their opponent.  Additionally, the Mosasaurus was a fantastic ambush predator during its time on earth, something that would likely surprise and confuse the average blue whale. Even with powerful teeth and a fantastic ambush technique, it would still be very difficult for a single Mosasaurus to take down a single blue whale, though they do have the offensive advantage. 

Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale: Defensive Powers

When it comes to defense, the sheer size and tough skin of the blue whale helps it win in a fight against a Mosasaurus. However, the Mosasaurus also has a fantastic defensive technique when it comes to its mobility and high intelligence in combat. This would be an extremely difficult call to make, but the blue whale wins the defensive category based on size alone. 

Mosasaurus vs Blue Whale: Endurance and Behavior

The endurance and behavior of both the Mosasaurus and the blue whale lead to some interesting outcomes. While both of these creatures live in water, they need air in order to survive. The blue whale can hold its breath for up to 90 minutes, and while it is unknown how long exactly the Mosasaurus could hold its breath for, it likely can’t beat the blue whale in this respect.  In addition, the blue whale frequently migrates thousands of miles in a single year, something that the Mosasaurus likely didn’t do. That’s why, with everything in mind, the blue whale would win in a fight against the Mosasaurus. However, it would be a difficult battle, given the Mosasaurus’ speed, agility, and high intelligence.